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海外学者经济学前沿课程 | 英国伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS,University of London)教授卢荻(Dic Lo)

作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2022-09-14

课程主题:Contemporary Chinese Political Economy《中国政治经济学·专题》

授课教师:卢荻Dic Lo





卢荻(Dic Lo)教授,现任职于英国伦敦大学亚非学院经济系、中国研究所(SOAS China Institute)。卢荻教授长期侧重于从比较政治经济学的视角分析经济发展问题,其主要研究方向为中国与全球化、工业化、改革经济学、东亚经济体制和发展,致力于理论总结中国经济发展模式和发展经验。主要成果发表于Cambridge Journal of Economics, The China Quarterly, Journal of Economic Issues, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Third World Quarterly,《经济研究》、《政治经济学评论》等国内外知名期刊。




Session 1The Political Economy of the New Normal ·新常态的政治经济学


腾讯会议号:137 147 956

Since the early 2010s, China’s internal and external developments have been associated with its ‘New Normal’. These developments represent the cumulative outcome of China’s transformation over the era of systemic reform, while also reflecting its uneasy position in world capitalism under neoliberal globalization. The defining characteristic of the New Normal is a slow-down in economic growth, and explanations of this slowdown have coalesced around the theses of demand deficiency and profitability decline. This lecture dissects the theoretical reasoning and empirical backings of the theses, with a view of clarifying the structural-institutional conditions that underpin the economic performance. On that basis, the lecture will arrive at the judgement that, long term, the future prospects for China hinge on the rivalry between two models of economic transformation that have both been operating in the economy in recent years: namely, a production-oriented model versus a speculation-oriented model.


Further Readings:

Dorrucci, E., G. Pula, and D. Santabárbara (2013) ‘China’s economic growth and rebalancing’, Occasional Paper Series no. 142, Frankfurt am Main, European Central Bank, http://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/pdf/scpops/ecbocp142.pdf

Feng, Y., and Y. Yao (2014) ‘The middle-income trap and China’s growth prospects’, in L. Song, R. Garnaut, and Cai F. (eds.) Deepening Reforms for China’s Long-term Growth and Development, ANU Press, http://press.anu.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/ch061.pdf

Lo, D. (2016) ‘China confronts the Great Recession: “rebalancing” neoliberalism, or else?’, International Papers of Political Economy 2016: 232-269 (M.C. Sawyer and P. Arestis eds. Emerging Economies during and after the Great Recession, Basingstoke, Palgrave).

Lo, D. (2018) ‘Consideration on China’s New Normal economic growth’, Journal of China and International Relations, 6 (1): 73-94.

Yao, Y. (2014) ‘A new normal, but with robust growth: China’s growth prospects in the next 10 years’, The Brookings Institution, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Research/Files/Interactives/2014/thinktank20/chapters/tt20%20china%20growth%20prospects%20yao.pdf

Session 2Anatomy of State-Owned Enterprises ·审视国企


腾讯会议号:316 550 715

The institutions of China’s state-owned enterprises have deviated fundamentally from the principle of individual(istic) property rights. The paradox is that the enterprises appear to have performed well in terms of productivity and profitability. This lecture examines the institutions in the light of alternative theoretical perspectives. The central message is two-fold. First, regarding functionality, the long-term oriented institutions could be conducive to productive efficiency, but could also be detrimental to allocative efficiency. Second, regarding credibility, the actual performance hinges on the appropriate match between the institutions and the broader developmental conditions. The efficiency attributes are thus found to be context-specific. Further discussion on the notion of context-specificity reveals that relative efficiency is conjunctural rather than structural in the determination of the functionality and credibility.


Further Readings:

Lo, D. (2020) ‘State-owned enterprises in China’s economic transformation: institutional functionality and credibility in alternative perspectives’, Journal of Economic Issues, 54 (3): 813-837.

Naughton, B. (2018) The Chinese Economy: Adaptation and Growth, ch.13-14 (Cambridge and London: MIT Press).

Song, L. (2015) ‘State and non-state enterprises in China’s economic transition’, in G.C. Chow and D.H. Perkins (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Economy, ch.12, London, Routledge.

Szamosszegi, A., and C. Kyle (2011) An Analysis of State-owned Enterprises and State Capitalism in China, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, Washington, D.C., Capital Trade, Inc., http://www.uscc.gov/sites/default/files/Research/10_26_11_CapitalTradeSOEStudy.pdf

Xie, X., A. Li, and Z. (2012) ‘Guojinmintui: a new round of debate in China on state versus private ownership’, Science & Society, 76 (3): 291-318.

Session 3China ‘Going Out’ and Late Development ·“走出去”与世界范围的后进发展


腾讯会议号:997 664 419

The tremendous expansion of the Chinese economy since the turn of the century, especially in terms of its external dynamics, is of world-scale significance. It seems to justify the quest for appropriate conceptions of China’s systematic impact on late development worldwide. A large number of scholarly studies have coalesced to analyse two crucial aspects of the impact, namely: impact on the performance of industrialization and the condition of labour in the developing world. This lecture seeks to critically appraise and reinterpret the existing studies. The appraisal is not so much a critique but rather an attempt to appropriately position the studies in the systematic context. It is submitted that the existing studies’ focus on market competition, as the main form through which China’s impact manifests, needs to be complemented and underpinned by the more fundamental consideration on productive investment. In the direction of constructing a systematic conception, it is further submitted that the China impact can potentially serve as a countervailing force against the prevailing systemic dynamics of the world economy under neoliberal globalization – i.e., the rising predominance of speculative finance that tends to crowd out productive investment, thereby hampering industrialization and worsening labour condition in the developing world.


Further Readings:

Adolph, C., V. Quince, and A. Prakash (2017) “The Shanghai Effect: Do exports to China affect labor practices in Africa?”, World Development, 89 (1): 1-18.

Ayers, A.J. (2013) ‘Beyond myths, lies and stereotypes: the political economy of a “new scramble for Africa”’, New Political Economy, 18 (2): 227-257.

Hart-Landsberg M. and P. Burkett (2006) ‘China and the dynamics of transnational accumulation: causes and consequences of global restructuring’, Historical Materialism, 14 (3): 3-43.

Jenkins, R.O. (2019) How China is Reshaping the Global Economy: Development Impacts in Africa and Latin America, ch.12, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lo, D. (2020) ‘Towards a conception of China’s systematic impact on late development’, Third World Quarterly, 41 (5): 860-880.

Session 4Confronting the Challenges of the Pandemic ·应对“环球瘟疫”的系统挑战


腾讯会议号:680 881 959

Because of its peculiar nature as a systemic challenge, the control of the COVID-19 crisis requires strong and rapid actions. It appears that China has employed a “tough model” whereas the erratic measures of the US have formed a “loose model”. This lecture seeks to characterize and assess the two models from the perspective of the governance structures and the corrective capabilities of the two different political establishments. The exposition draws on the framework of “exit, voice, and loyalty” developed by Albert Hirschman, and questions the hegemonic ideology of the “liberal democracy versus authoritarianism” dichotomy


Further Readings:

He, A.J., Y. Shi, and H. Liu (2020) ‘Crisis governance, Chinese style: distinctive features of China’s responses to the COVID-19 pandemic’, Policy Design and Practices, 3 (3): 245-258. https://doi.org/10.1080/25741292.2020.1799911

Lo, D. and Y. Shi (2020) ‘China versus the US in the pandemic crisis: governance and politics confronting systemic challenges’, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 42 (1-2): 90-100.

Macheda, F. (2021) ‘The structural root of China’s effectiveness against Coronavirus pandemic’, International Critical Thought, https://doi.org/10.1080/21598282.2020.1869993

Zhao, S. (2020) ‘Rhetoric and reality of China’s global leadership in the context of COVID-19: implications for the US-led world order and liberal globalization’, Journal of Contemporary China, https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2020.1790900

Zhou, X. (2020) ‘Organizational Response to COVID-19 Crisis: Reflections on the Chinese Bureaucracy and Its Resilience’, Management and Organization Review, 16 (3): 473–84. https://doi.org/10.1017/mor.2020.29


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