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作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2019-10-30



Job Qualifications

All candidates should have a Ph.D. in Economics or other related disciplines, completed by August 2020. They are expected to have a strong commitment to research and teaching with evidence of publication potential and ability to teach in English or Chinese.

Application Procedure

All application materials should be submitted via either CICE or AEA JOE recruiting system. (Remark: please do NOT submit your application materials in both recruiting systems.) Meanwhile, you should also submit your application through CUFE Human Resources recruiting system.

Your application package should include

1. A cover letter

2. CV

3. Job market paper

4. Other publication

5. Research Statement

6. Teaching Statement

7. Three letters of recommendation (submitted directly from the recommenders)

Deadlines for Submission

Nov. 20, 2019

We will only consider candidates with complete applications by the deadline for interviews at the China International Conference in Economics (CICE) in Beijng, China on December 14-15 or at the ASSA annual meeting in San Diego, USA on January 2-5,2020. Please state clearly your preference of attending CICE or ASSA, and research fields in the cover letter.

Fields of Interests

All areas of Economics, particularly, Development Economics, Applied Econometrics and Machine Learning, Applied Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization.

About School of Economics, CUFE

The School of Economics aims for excellence in both research and teaching with the purpose of advancing knowledge and giving practical policy advice. On the heels of China's strong economic performance over recent decades, the Chinese economy has been drawing global attention from the perspective of economic research. The School is committed to combining China’s economic foundations with modern economic tools to enhance understanding of the Chinese economy, and hopes to contribute to the country’s development and make a global impact.


Go to: /Home/About1/About_The_Department.htm

Email: huang.naijing@cufe.edu.cn


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